What problem are we solving?

We’ve all sat in unproductive meetings, but have you ever stopped to consider the impact it has?

- Executives sit in c.23 hours of meetings a week, 1/3 of which are unnecessary and poorly run
- 25% of meeting time is spent discussing irrelevant issues
- A Fortune 50 company estimates losses >$75m per year due to poor meetings

Source: ideas.ted.com/the-economic-impact-of-bad-meetings/

How good are your meetings?

We’ve taken the guesswork out of answering this question. There are 5 principal drivers of a great meeting and we’ve hit upon these based on observing hundreds of board and committee meetings. The 5 drivers are:

1. Purpose and Agenda
2. Information and Security
3. People and Place
4. Behaviours
5. Decision and Progress

Step through this diagnostic and self-assess where you're doing well in your board meetings and where improvements can be made. The diagnostic is based on 46 questions, it should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

At the end you will receive an overall meeting score, a visual representation of your results, peer comparison and detailed recommendations based on your scorings.

One of the most effective ways of helping teams or indeed boards to improve their meetings is to get them to self-assess how their meetings are working against these 5 drivers. Get in touch if you would like to see an aggregate view of how your forum members rate the meeting.

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