Board and management papers

Reporting slows most organisations down. It doesn’t have to.

Average Board Pack Keeps Getting Longer

Reams of data, crumbs of insight

The average board pack is now 226-pages-long — and getting longer every year, according to our research with CGIUKI. And yet, despite all the work going into increasingly lengthy board papers, two-thirds of directors say the information they receive is “Weak” or “Poor”.

This isn’t hopeless. All it takes to fix broken reports is to embed the right methodology — the QDI Principle™ — with a tried-and-true formula.

Find out what’s going wrong in your reports — and why

In collaboration with CGIUKI
Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland logo
Web tool

Assess the quality of your board pack

Use this online tool designed with CGIUKI to find out how effective your board packs are and get personalised advice on how to improve.

Web tool

How much do board packs cost you?

Your board reporting likely costs more than you think. Find out how much with our calculator, jointly built with CGIUKI.


Board packs are getting worse. Why?

Not only have board packs been getting longer, but the level of insight they bring to bear has been drastically declining too.

Start improving your reports with our guides…


How the QDI Principle™ can help you write better

Report writers aren’t lazy; they’re poorly equipped, and so write the wrong way about the wrong things. The right methodology can fix that.


3 communication habits your business needs

Communicating well is hard and most of us are not very good at it. The good news? Bad habits can be unlearned.


Tackle the tough questions head-on

To get better reports from your people, you need to harness the power of questions and get everyone asking more of the right ones.


The definitive guide to the CEO’s report

The CEO’s report can be invaluable for CEOs and boards alike — yet too many bosses treat theirs as an afterthought. Here’s the formula to get yours right.


The definitive guide to exec summaries

Executive summaries are where you land your key points and wow your audience. Here’s how to get yours right every time.


The definitive guide to decision papers

Decision papers make or break boards’ most important choices. Here’s our recipe for writing papers that hit the mark and get the nod.

…and bite-sized videos

Then embed change with Lucia, our thinking and writing tool

Lucia combines the power of AI with the QDI Principle™ in the world’s first platform designed exclusively for business reporting — enabling everyone in your organisation to craft brilliantly clever and beautiful management reports that spur your business to action.

Discover Lucia

In action: how Beazley insured against unwieldy board papers

Beazley is a global specialist insurer and a market leader in risk insurance lines ranging from cyber to marine. Faced with overlong board packs that made it hard for the board to see the wood for the trees, Beazley partnered with Board Intelligence.

“What I’m seeing now is much more concise papers. There’s a logical flow — and readers understand and see what the author is trying to get across.”

~ Rachel Turk, Group Head of Strategy, Beazley

Hear their story

Further resources