The Governance Grand Tour — Birmingham


1 min read



“I was able to become more up-to-date on some of the latest thinking around board reporting, and how boards are functioning.” ~ Paul Adams, Managing Director, Dental Directory

The Event

On 14th June, we hosted the second stop of the Governance Grand Tour, in the city of Birmingham.

In the rooms of the Hôtel du Vin Victorian building, attendees were provided with hands-on training covering topics from strategies for writing short focused reports that get to the heart of what matters to your board, to how leading company secretary teams are streamlining their operations with technology. We were delighted to have EQS Group and Link Asset Services back with us from the Manchester session, and to welcome a new partner — Equity Communications.

“A much more high-energy environment than what you typically find.” ~ Paul Adams, Managing Director, Dental Directory

What Attendees Thought

For the second time in a row, attendees ranked the event extremely positively, with an overall 4.6 stars out of 5. Feedback stressed the usefulness of the topics covered for Governance professionals, and the high-energy of the sessions. Thanks to all the attendees for their participation and engagement during the day.

“Overall a very informative and useful session. Would recommend.” ~ Louis Moore, Assistant Company Secretary, Severn Trent Water “I’d advise anybody to attend.” ~ Paul Adams, Managing Director, Dental Directory

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