The Governance Grand Tour — Bristol


1 min read



“Your team were very professional and a credit to your business.” ~ Helen Price, Company Secretary, Cheltenham Borough Homes

The Event

On 11th October, the Governance Grand Tour headed to the South West and landed in Bristol. The event took place at the Avon Gorge Hotel, overlooking the famous Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Attendees were provided with hands-on training on a variety of topics, including:

  • Strategies for writing short, focussed reports;
  • Conducting a board evaluation, and how to handle the outcomes;
  • Designing agendas that focus on what matters to your board;
  • Real-life uses of the blockchain;
  • Research and guidance on effective reporting;
  • Effective processes for the board meeting cycle;
  • ‘Hygiene’ factors for the Company Secretary;
  • Managing whistleblowing as an integral part of risk management processes;
  • Streamlining Secretariat operations with technology;
  • Putting inclusion and disability on the board agenda.

Our longtime partners Link Asset Services and Cygnetise were back to present alongside our team, while ICSA: The Governance Institute, and KPMG joined the Tour for the second time.

“Very professional and practical — loved it.” ~ Martin McComish, Finance Director, MT Agencies Ireland Ltd

What Attendees Thought

Attendees gave extremely positive feedback about their day, with a fantastic overall score of 4.6 stars out of 5. Most commented on were the innovative ways to improve board work, the hidden opportunities of whistleblowing, and the range of views around inclusion in the workplace.

We’d like to express our thanks once again to everyone who was there for their input and great spirits. We hope the sessions left you with a fresh outlook on governance and board reporting.

“Great day, very well organised and enjoyed the Board Intelligence’s team enthusiasm and knowledge share.” ~ Natasha Perrett, Executive Manager, The Planning Inspectorate

Join the Tour

We’ll finish this year’s Governance Grand Tour in Leeds on 15th November — the day is fully subscribed, but you can still add your name to the waiting list — or suggest which cities the Tour should be heading to in 2019 — by clicking the button below.

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