The Governance Grand Tour — Edinburgh


1 min read



“It’s an absoluty fantastic opportunity, and I’m so pleased I was able to attend.” ~ Kelly Hall, Board Secretary, IWCF

The Event

On 13th September, the Governance Grand Tour went North and stopped in Edinburgh, where we were lucky enough to host the event in the incredible National Museum of Scotland’s tower.

“Very useful and interesting day — learnt a lot I can use going forward.” ~ Colin Anderson, Company Secretary, Lead Scotland

Attendees were provided with hands-on training on a variety of topics, including:

  • Strategies for writing short, focussed reports;
  • Research and guidance on effective reporting;
  • Designing agendas that focus on what matters to your board;
  • Real-life uses of the blockchain;
  • Effective processes for the board meeting cycle;
  • ‘Hygiene’ factors for the Company Secretary;
  • Streamlining Secretariat operations with technology;
  • Putting inclusion and disability on the board agenda.

Link Asset Services and Cygnetise were back once again to present alongside our team, and we were excited to welcome two new partners: ICSA: The Governance Institute, and KPMG.

What Attendees Thought

Attendees experienced an overwhelmingly positive day, with an overall score of 4.7 stars out of 5. Comments praised the number of takeaways, the networking opportunities between the sessions, and the interactive format of the event.

Thanks again to everyone who joined us for their energy and contributions. We hope you found the day valuable.

“An excellent and thoroughly worthwhile event, which I would recommend to any Non-Executive and Company Secretary.” ~ Ysella Jago, Dispute Resolution Executive, RICS

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