The Governance Grand Tour — Manchester


1 min read



“Today has been one of those days where I feel better equipped to go back and do a better job.” ~ Sarah Batt, Company Secretary, Together

The Event

On 19th April, Board Intelligence and their partners hosted the very first leg of the Governance Grand Tour, in the city of Manchester.

Taking place at the Greater Mancher Chamber of Commerce, the event was designed to provide attendees with practical, hands-on training on how to achieve a step change in the quality of their governance. The session covered everything from strategies to write short, focused reports that get to the heart of what matters to your board to how leading, best practice, company secretary teams are streamlining their operations with technology.

What Attendees Thought

We were delighted with the fantastic turnout and participation of the audience, and even more so with the feedback we received — 100% of the attendees having ranked the event 5 stars out of 5.

“Really insightful morning provoking thought on how effective your governance currently is and making that step change to a more efficient and focused governance structure. Recommended for company secretaries, exec and non-exec directors.” ~ Ciaran Harkin, Operations Director, ASE Global

Thanks to all our partners — EQS, Independent Audit, and Link Asset Services — and everyone who attended for making the day a success.

Join the Tour

The Governance Grand Tour is only getting started, and we’ll be hosting events in many more cities in the UK and Ireland over the coming months. Our next stop will be Birmingham, on 14th June 2018, and you can register by clicking the button below. We look forward to seeing you there.

If you’re based in the North West and would like to find out how you can transform the quality of governance at your organisation, please get in touch with Megan.

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