How to switch board portal in 3 simple steps


4 min read

If you’ve been thinking of switching board portal, you’ve probably asked Google “how to switch”, seen nearly 500m search results, and shut the laptop again. We don’t blame you. Switching to a different board portal software provider can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. With that in mind, here are our top four tips for a seamless board portal switch:

1. Build the business case (and ask for help)

Articulate your frustrations with your existing provider, and the drive behind a switch. It might be superior technology, 24/7 service, or better value for money that’s prompting you to move — but regardless, you’ll need to explain in simple terms how a new board management software tool will benefit the board, the secretariat, and the wider organisation. However, that’s not to say you should become a sales rep for your new portal provider.

We help our clients build a business case for why switching to the Board Intelligence board portal is preferable to sticking with the status quo. Our Information Security team will also be on hand to cover any due diligence questions that your colleagues may have, and we're able to evidence the time and money saved by similar organisations when switching to us. For instance, we helped Nationwide switch to Board Intelligence, and they estimated a 45% time saving preparing for board meetings compared to when using their old board portal.

“You made it very easy for us to switch board portal provider, and it was completely worth it. We’re so glad we took the plunge.”

~ Jason Wright, Society Secretary, Nationwide

   Show why & how you should switch portals  Use this ready-to-use board paper to make the case for why it’s time to move  from your current board portal to Board Intelligence. Download the template

2. Map out your migration plan and agree a training programme for your board and secretariat

There are logistics and timeframes to consider in any portal switch. And even though we make it technically quick and easy to change portals — set-up can take as little as 24 hours — we often tailor a plan to our clients’ needs. Typically, a migration plan to the Board Intelligence portal would look something like this:

  1. Customise your portal. Working with your administrative team, we optimise the layout and configuration of the platform to reflect your organisation and its priorities.
  2. Historic pack migration. If you decide to migrate previous packs and agendas, we work with your administrative team to migrate them onto our platform, which acts as a secure document repository for historic data.
  3. Training. We deliver bespoke training for your users, with dedicated sessions for Readers and Managers. Training can be arranged in-person or virtually, one-on-one or in groups — whichever works best for you. Readers learn how to use the platform’s full functionality whilst Managers learn how to manage the administrator’s side of the platform and both our Agenda Planner and Briefings tool. However, our clients tell us that our portal could not be simpler to use, and we’re loved for our intuitive user experience.
  4. Ongoing support. As a client of Board Intelligence, you will have regular catch-ups with your account manager to ensure that our platform is delivering for you. We also run regular drop-in training sessions for Managers and Readers, so there’s no need to worry about new users being unsure how to unlock the platform’s potential. And, should you need any further support, our UK-based dedicated team of product experts are available 24/7 so help is always available.

“This is the best digital platform I’ve used. It’s so intuitive and easy to navigate and annotate.”

~ Chris Baker, Chairman, Nisa

Learn about our three-step transition process

3. Look for a trusted partnership over a transaction

The technical board portal switch and user training are just the start. A good portal provider will assign a dedicated account manager who has clarity on your goals and checks in regularly to ensure you’re getting as much value from the partnership as possible.

For example, our account managers will keep in touch with their clients, sharing our relevant board management research and governance guidance. Our clients also enjoy exclusive invites to our networking events and thought leadership round tables.

"Our contact at Board Intelligence is always available to answer questions. It is a 24/7 response.”

Keith Hawkins, Company Secretary, TSB

Thinking of switching board portal?

Find out what makes our board management software the most intuitive on the market and how quickly and easily you can make the switch to Board Intelligence.

If your board portal has been letting you down, we'd love to explore if switching to Board Intelligence might be the right move for you. Get in touch with our team by booking a demo below:

  Global leading organisations are switching to Board Intelligence   From Nationwide to Standard Chartered, our clients are our best advocates;  that's why 70% of our business comes through referrals. Read more


When is the best time to make your board portal switch?

For example, would you like to have your new portal up and running in time for a particular meeting? And would you like to run one board meeting on the old and new portals, just for extra peace of mind? We suggest picking a preferred meeting date and working back from there.

When do you need to give notice to your current board portal provider?

This will likely be 30 days before the end of the contract — but do check. It’s worth noting that when you switch to Board Intelligence, we’ll bill flexibly around your current contract so that you won’t pay for two portals simultaneously.

How many board packs should you move to your new board portal?

There’s no storage limit when you switch board portal to Board Intelligence, and our clients often use a switch as an opportunity to restructure the way their documents are saved to help their readers find them easily using our bookcase structure. Typically, clients upload the last 1–2 years of board and committee packs, as well as board information, terms of reference and other reference documents useful for their reader community.

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